they/them - Configuation, moderation
chips helps with adding high quality touches to the configuation and testing.
We're a small group that specializes in the production of high quality voice banks for a multitude of vocalsynth engines.
they/them - Configuation, moderation
chips helps with adding high quality touches to the configuation and testing.
she/he - Artist, Configuation, Voicer
KanibasCarnival is a talented artist, configuation developer, and voicer! KanibasCarnival Provides high quality artwork and voice work.
He/him - Main Artist
MajoGraphics is our talented and hardworking main artist. He produces high quality art pieces at a fast turn around rate.
They/them - Configuation
Miss Chuu handles configuation, They are very dedicated to their work and provide help to other Configuation members.
He/him - 3D Artist, Configuation lead
Lobotoroid handles most of all of the configuration, and is very quick with handling testing!
She/her - Configuation, Planning
Naomi-P helps with configuration and the planning of new voicebanks!
She/her - Leader, Planning Lead, Production Lead
LuminousValley Handles all Planning and related work to keep everyone focused!